

Wireless Networks for Small Businesses

Wireless Networks for Small Businesses


The need for wireless networks for small and medium-size businesses abounds. Whether it be for a visiting consultant needing Internet access, an employee using their own laptop in the break room, or a remote worker needing access to shared files, almost every company can benefit from offering wireless networks.

Let’s take a look at three types of networks that are helping businesses run more efficiently and effectively, while increasing the comfort of guests and improving employee satisfaction levels.


Guest Networks


Companies host vendors and visitors in their office from time to time. It may be a fellow employee from another company office, a salesperson visiting the V.P. of Finance to demonstrate the latest accounting software package, or a business consultant spending several weeks in the office. The need for guest networks is essential.


A guest network can be a great customer retention tool. For example, many doctor’s and dentist’s offices don’t have play areas for children, or reading material for adolescents. Though the Internet is sometimes referred to as a “Digital Babysitter”, an iPad can keep kids occupied while mom or dad visits with their healthcare provider.


Time limits afforded guests can be designated, such as having the guest network only available during business hours. This assists in keeping the network free of pirating by unauthorized users.


With security being of constant concern, partitioning a guest network, guests can surf the Internet without the risk of infecting devices on the corporate network. This can take a great strain off of the I.T. Department, as well as provide the opportunity for guests to be productive.



BYOD/Employee Networks (Bring Your Own Device)


Many employees love using their personally owned devices at work. Though they very likely have access to a desktop computer or a laptop with a docking station, they very often prefer using their own device when moving throughout the office.


A BYOD/employee network also allows workers to use their own devices at work without compromising the security of the company network. Though it is still discouraged or prohibited by some companies, many are no longer standing in the way of employees bringing in their own laptops or pads for business or personal purposes.


In addition to keeping employees more content, productivity has not been reported to suffer as a result of allowing employee owned devices.


Staff Networks


The staff network is the secure network employees utilize day in and day out. Fully partitioned, it is company controlled and locked down. Employee owned devices don’t have access to this network, which is monitored extensively.


It is incumbent upon the I.T. team to protect this network, in concert with the cooperation of employees. Staff needs to be reminded regularly that email attachments are not to be opened if originated through an unknown sender. Similarly, opening imbedded links from unknown senders needs to be discouraged on a regular basis.


In conclusion, more and more companies are thinking outside of the box when it comes to installing different types of networks to meet various people’s needs. The relatively small cost of installing one of these networks is far outweighed by the benefits.


Contact IntegriTech today and learn more about how these networks can help your company increase profitability and efficiency.

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